I also managed today to do all the handwork on a 1/3 scale piece I figured I'd frog, finish all the machined stitching on the aforementioned gown, and begin a 1/3 scale cowl neckwarmer.
Here's what I've been up to:

We're planning on attending Pennsic this year, so I've begun the annual sewing-like-mad. I'm trying to be more focused on my SCAdian persona, who is a late 15th/early 16th century Spaniard. On my to-do list is perfecting my tranzado and cofia (head dress) so they'll stay on my head, and making at least 3 new outfits. I'm also going to be helping the hubby with his new clothes, and making blackworked shifts of flannel and loose gowns of wool for us both to wear while sleeping and to fight the morning chill.
While I love to dabble in other periods, I'm really very fascinated by the unique nature of Spanish period clothing. Here's a little sampling of the inspiration:
And my in-progress gown, modeled on the black dresses above (next up, a few partlets in varying levels of sheerness with red stripe patterns, and black stripe patterns, and perhaps a matron's headcovering like Queen Isabella's above):