Friday, March 19, 2010

Mid-March Stitchin'

Here's how the goals are going:

Etsy:  1 made / 1 projected
Knitting: 668 / 800 knit stitches.  I've done 3 rows of tiny sweater (192), and 8 rows of dishtowel (392) since my last post (84).

Sewing:  3 / 4 items complete.  The husband's doublet is done.  I really need to take a photo.  My kirtle is hemmed (by hand!) and awaiting buttonholes.

Some progress is being made, but I wish I had a bit more time to stitch.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Goals, making up for the incendiary dress fiasco...

So, I replaced the dress with 2 dresses!

My goals are:
1 completed item for Etsy each month (single pieces or outfits)
800 knit stitches per month.  My current project is an itsy-bitsy sweater, and that equates to 3-4 rows per week.
4 completed items for myself, my friends & family, or my dolls per month.

March status so far:
  • Regency gown made and sold on Etsy
  • 2 easter dresses made for Olivia, so Linda can take her pick.
  • 1 fencing doublet nearing completion (needs closures)
  • 1 15th century kirtly nearing completion (needs closures)
  • 4 plain mid-19th c. day dresses for 1/3 BJD cut out
  • 1/3 of a row since March started on Penelope's cabled vest

Negative completions...

I was going to make Olivia an easter dress.  I put it together in a couple of hours, and somehow, along the way, it got stained.  It was a sort of orangy rust -type stain.  And, I'm one of those ridiculous people who iron as I go, so before I knew it, the stain was set in. 

But, wait!  It gets better!  I tried numerous stain removal tactics, to no avail, and then decided the only way to salvage this otherwise perfectly adorable item was to tea-dye it. 

Well, I don't have to worry about that stain anymore.

I got stuff all ready to tea-dye the dress, laid it on a cookie sheet alongside the dish it'd be dunked in. Then I set the kettle up, turned the burner on high, and then wandered away waiting for the kettle to whistle. I saw steam in the kitchen, huge puffs of steam, but no whistling.

I turned the wrong burner on. The dress burned up.